Sunday, December 5, 2010

Silent Auction SUCCESS/Response to Peter

First off the Silent Auction was A-MA-ZING. I had a lot of fun!

There were many items for bid. Many of them were baskets, or tickets to the many places that could be discovered in the Bay Area. I myself bid on two items, a voucher for dog food which I won, but did not really want because at the last minute, McCoy erased her name, which was surprising to me. I'm just going to give it to her on Monday.

The second item was fun to bid on, it was a live auction, for the Dinner and Movie for 3 with Mr. Fong and Ms. Ahn. It was Me, Kristine, Annie, and Branson. Noticed how it's dinner for 3? Yeah. There was four of us. We were up against Lisa H., Andy Chu, and Marissa. But we planned everything out! In the end, after going to about $160... both of us are getting dinners, and if I have my facts wrong correct me.

Since there was four of us, Annie decided to just give it to the three of us and she won't get it. Then Ms. Ahn talks to us about a different solution for the four of us..... to the response!

This is from my buddy Peter's blog. He was one of the performers that I personally asked to perform... no matter how much I hate him (JK). He was good, as usual, and he also played the piano for Music Club and ended the song with the Super Mario Overworld Theme Song! Which is what I wanted him to play, but NO he played a different song.

Anyways, I thought this quote fit in with everybody that was at the auction, and especially for the PTSA execs, who helped plan the auction:
"After having the Silence Auction night, I went home as fast as I could because I did not do any of my blog post, and if the Freshman did not remind me, I might probably forgot."
I like how the freshmen had to remind him. I'm pretty sure that throughout the night, the only thing running through everybody's mind, especially the sophomores was that we had HW due, and that included this post, a book post, 2 essays to work on, math hw, a study guide for science, and a STD brochure for science. On the weekend of the Silent Auction. How convenient.

I wanted to say my thanks, but didn't want to. To the PTSA board and Ms. Harhen. To the teachers that came (everybody except Mr. Sutherland *cough*) and the student volunteers. without any of you, we would not have raised OVER $2-3000.

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