Monday, February 28, 2011

Kim's Awesome Review of the Oscars

Overall Review: It was pretty decent. I mean aside from James Franco looking stoned the entire time, it was pretty good. And Anne Hathaway was just trying to cover James Franco's...uhm...disinterest..yeah that's the word.

Winners: If you check my (former)Oscars Prediction Blog here, I have updated it to accommodate the winners, which was exactly what my predictions were (I'm so good).

Best Part: The opening monologue, where the hosts go 'visit' the 10 best picture nominees. It was HILARIOUS, Alec Baldwin and Morgan Freeman were in there, all channeling their inner Inception. 

"You just got Inception-ed!!" -Alec Baldwin.... quote of the day.

At least James Franco did good in the opening... I mean it was acting that's what he got nominated for right? Even if he didn't try to host the Oscars well, he could have at least ACTED like he was trying.

"And so the naked girl from Love and Other Drugs and the guy from General Hospital continue through Alec Baldwin's dreams." -Morgan Freeman... other quote of the day.

The other best part? KIRK DOUGLAS.

At 94 and a stroke from 1996 HE'S STILL GOT IT. Even though he took like forever and delayed the opening of the envelope to make a comment on Hugh Jackman laughing cause he was Australian and Colin Firth not laughing cause he was British... still funny.

To Jeff Bridges in True Grit:

Anne Hathaway: "Say something."
James Franco: "Oh..uhm... I loved you in Tron."

Just watch it.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Quickwrite #1:Kweilin Story

Mother- Suyuan Woo
Daughter- Jing-mei "June" Woo
(too lazy to type them out, so it's just going to be mother and daughter)

There were about two different endings to the Kweilin story. One of the, was the mah-jong game, and what the mother did with her money, which included buying food. The other ending is when she escapes Kweilin, with only her two babies, a wheelbarrow, and the mah-jong table. Also in the wheelbarrow, anything that was valuable to her at the time.

With the tip that she received from the officer, the mom packed up her things and heads to her husband, but along the way, her wheelbarrow wheel breaks off and she has to abandon her table, make a sling and carry the babies.


I think that she changes the ending to the story she tells to her daughter, because she wants to keep her safe from knowing the real thing. If the mom told her daughter the whole story, the true, complete one, then the daughter will only remember that story form the moment it was told, but when the mom tells her daughter the story again, then the daughter probably won't want to hear it.

Also, another reason why the mother would want to keep changing the endings to her story is to keep the daughter hooked. While the daughter may know what ending to expect and probably has heard it many times, it keeps her sort of connected to the story, and how her mother sacrificed everything in order to get where they are now.

That also applies to the message that the mother is trying to send to her daughter. The message that the mother went through a lot of things in her life, and even if the daughter could never sense it, her mother is still remembering all that had happened to her in Kweilin, and mostly because she lost two babies, which can be really depressing.

Another message that the mom could be sending her daughter is that she is lucky to live where she lives now, in a place where there is not much violence happening, and just the fact that her daughter does not have to go through the same experiences that she went through.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Script Preview

This is my sucky script. I have decided that this is going to be PRACTICE for Script Frenzy and I am going to start a new one in April....: Please excuse the names. I found them on google and the current book I was reading when I wrote it.

Oh okay, I woke up at 11 last night cause I heard shuffling in my dorm and it was only your brother. I’m Diego by the way, welcome to Alpine.

Diego walks to Harley and SHAKES her hand.

          Hi Harley! I’m Riley.

Riley walks up to Harley and shakes her hand.

Hey Harley, good to see you again.



My family has a their own group Facebook page. Grrrr-eat. Now I can interview people.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

my new blog thingy

new (sucky) blog, where i will post my experience of writing a script. how exciting.

i got a job! as an illustrator for a comic. I don't get paid, but it's still a job which i will mention in my application for CSSSA next year.

That's my day.

Oh, and Andrew Garfield is awesome. Why? cause he likes Corey Feldman as Mouth too!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


i really dislike chris evans. just saying. he can't go from being a superhero from fnatastic four to captain america. doesn't make sense. grr

Chinese Mothers

In an article by Amy Chua, she describes how she treats her daughter.
There are all these new books out there portraying Asian mothers as scheming, callous, overdriven people indifferent to their kids' true interests. For their part, many Chinese secretly believe that they care more about their children and are willing to sacrifice much more for them than Westerners, who seem perfectly content to let their children turn out badly. I think it's a misunderstanding on both sides. All decent parents want to do what's best for their children. The Chinese just have a totally different idea of how to do that.
This paragraph, I agree with. All parents want their best for children, but the Chinese do do it differently. I think that with the Chinese mothers, when they see that their child is number one, then they feel that they have done something for their development, which is true.

One thing I disagree though, is that they limit their creativity. If a child dislikes playing the piano, there is nothing they can do about it. They have to play, or else feel the wrath of their parents. Limiting a child's 'true interests' only stops their development and when they grow older, the only thing they'll know how to do is what their parents taught them: to be number one.

Asian mothers also think that if they're child is the 'number one', then they'll be superior in their future. Another thing that Asian mothers want their child to do: be a doctor or lawyer. That's prbably why they want them to get straight A's too. To get into the law school or medical school.

My parents for example, even though they're technically not that 'Asian', they want me to get a job that will be raking the bucks. I personally, dislike anything that makes big bucks. Because that only means that I hav eto go to school longer. And homework. They let me be myself. Because of that, I have shown my interest in the arts. Also meaning drawing, guitar, and yes, piano. Not piano much though.

Annie was here

Just wanted to say that I love Kim!

Also, I like the keyboard on this computer more.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Oscar Winners

Here are the winners, (they're in bold. sorry if i didn't include the other nominees. I'm too lazy to type.)

Best Picture:

Winner: The King's Speech (still unsure about that)
Dark Horse(check out my new vocabulary): The Social Network
My pick(s): 127 Hours, Black Swan...somewhat. It was good.

Best Actor:

Win: COLIN FIRTH (he deserves one), and Jeff Bridges won last year, so slim chance of him getting another one.
no dark horse (Well, Jesse Eisenberg?)
*and how did Leonardo DiCaprio NOT get nominated, damn Academy*
it's going to be tough. I love Colin Firth and James Franco. I want them both to win -.-

Best Actress:

Win: Natalie Portman
-If she doesn't win, I'm going to be PISSED.

Best Supporting Actor:

Win: Christian Bale
Dark Horse: Mark Ruffalo
My Pick(s): Geoffrey Rush
*And yet again, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is left out of this, another Inception actor...seriously Academy? AND you leave Christopher Nolan out of the running for Best Director? *facepalm* *

Best Supporting Actress:

Win: Melissa Leo (unsure)
Dark Horse: Hailee Steinfeld (SHE'S 14)
My Pick(s): Helena Bonham Carter, no surprise if Hailee Steinfeld's name gets called. She got to work with Josh Brolin. COME ON.

Best Animated Feature:

Toy Story 3 is going to win. Hands down. If it doesn't, someone's going to be angry.

These are the important ones. Just Google the others.