Friday, August 27, 2010

Odd Girl Out response

This is a quote I got from Peter Chen's blog:
Think before you act. As high school students, we know that we are responsiblity to what we did. Bully someone is not cool because if you know the feeling of getting bully, you won't do it any more. Be friendly and nice, a person could be one of your friend or one of your enermy.
How this relates to the Constitution is already stated in the first sentence. "Think before you act." Which also just happens to be the 1st rule in the ASTI Constitution, "Think before you speak or act." Way to go Peter. Now, back to the topic, we know we are bullying, I am pretty sure we think about what we do even before our mouths start moving. And Peter is somewhat right in his quote; we never know whether or not the person we are bullying could turn out to be one of our friends... or enemies. Like Dick Cheney and the guy he shot. That guy was his friend. FRIEND. And what happened? He shot him in the face. Not to go off topic, but this kind of does relate to the Constitution. Number 5. and 7. 5: Assume positive intent, and 7:Strive to understand where other people are coming from; be empathetic. It's like the 'used so much it's now a cliche' :"Don't judge a book by its cover," of we just judge a person by what we see/hear, then we would never get good friends. "Be friendly and nice." That does get us through high school, but it does not hurt to throw in a little spice in sometimes. And I do not mean bullying, just by adding a little flair and creativity.....

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