Friday, August 20, 2010

Pretty Little Liars vs Huge

Pretty Little Liars(PLL). There are no other words to state how addicted we all are. Now we have to wait until January for the second part of Season 1. Whose summer finale ended with a giant cliffhanger.

Will Hanna die? Who stands in front of a car when they are about to get hit?!?
Well, Hanna does and her eyes are like (O.O)

Huge. Not so popular. They only have about 117,000 fans on Facebook, whereas PLL hasalmost 2 million.

Fat camp. One word to describe the setting.
Similar to PLL, there is the forbidden relationship between an authorative figure and a mere student/camper.

It is Mr.Fitz/Aria and George/Amber.
I have to admit, George is kind of well, odd. he stutters a lot. His figure compared to Amber's, not so great. Amber's not that big, but still bigger than George.  There's also an age difference like Mr. Fitz and Aria.

Mr. Fitz and George are around the 24 age zone. Amber and Aria are around the 16/17 zone. That's a pretty big age zone.

Back to the real topic:
Huge doesn't get a lot of fans because people think that they are making fun of fat people. They are not. I think. They show them exercising, and that Jillian Michaels-inspired character you should be scared of.

PLL is all about the drama/suspense/mystery thing. Everyone likes that. Unnatural History is the same genre only not involving the mysterious "A." But that's for another time.

The real answer to why PLL is above Huge? That I do not know, but you can figure it out yourselves. The answer is right in front of you. Or you can google it.


  1. Kimmy... I love you for this.

    "PLL is all about the drama/suspense/mystery thing." Totally.

    But Huge is about finding yourself, it's about overcoming things that stand in your way. They are there not just to loose weight, but to try and figure yourself out.

    They're both amazing though.

  2. Totally agree

    I mean when we all think about we usually choose the more suspenseful one out of the pile.

    Although Huge may not be a reality show it seems like a story that is based around the theme of a reality show.

    Plus PPL was originally a book so may more people would have hear of it and be more in tune with the whole PLL story rather then Huge.

    Yet they are both awesome.

  3. Huge is also a book.
    But I already told you that in class.

  4. yeah I did not know that but yeah xD I have always thought that huge was not a book but in my own opinion huge doesn't seem like a really famous book

  5. im sry but ive got to go with pretty little liars
    every episode is extremely exciting and there isn't a time when you have to skip even 5 minutes of it. ITS SO ADDICTING!
    i really don't know about huge but the one episode i watched, i was sooooo bored :P
    idunno i guess it depends on what kind of drama ure attracted to (:
    gossip grl is still the best tho
