Wednesday, August 25, 2010

People we never notice on TV and Movies

Kevin G Schmidt.

Remember that fat kid on Cheaper By The Dozen(1 and 2)? Yeah, that was him.
And for those of you that have been keeping up with him(not me) he plays Henry Griffin on Unnatural History in Cartoon Network.

Ian Harding

Mr.Fitz. Enough said. He was alsoon the episode of NCIS: LA "The Bank Job" playing the banker guy that was in on the robbery. He was also on Adventureland (that movie with Kristen Stewart) as the guy with curly hair that made a comment about the banana he won.

Thomas Fiss

Don't know him? Youtube him. Facebook him. Google him. :D He's a singer.
He was on Titanic. TITANIC. As the little boy with the yo-yo.
He was also in a few Broadway plays. And played Chip in that one play (the one that Nick Jonas also played).
If you have watched The Middlemen, he was in the episode with his former boyband, Varsity Fanclub. 

Bobby Edner

He's hecka talented. He can dance, sing, AND act. Triple Threat.
I'm pretty sure we have all watched Spy Kids 3: Game Over. Remember those 3 kids that was with Junie? The one with glasses, the cool kid, and the tough one. He was the one with glasses. AND he sang with Alexa Vega in a song on the soundtrack.
He was also on the episode of The Middlemen with his boyband, Varsity Fanclub.
BTW. His sister is Ashley Edner. And he sang the Taco Bell Rap with the roosevelts. And the wierd guy who sang with him. Who I sware looks like that guy on My Favorite Highway.

Scott Porter

He is AMAZING. I love Scott Porter. Really talented.
He was the original Rex Racer in Speed Racer, he was in Bandslam as Ben Wheatly. He was also the rumored Captain America for the 2011 movie, but NO it goes to Chris Evans. He better get the part of Flash though.
That's not all. he played Jason Street on Friday Night Lights, but he left after Season 2 because Street moved for therapy for his legs. He should come back and see what happened between Lyla and Tim.

So far, this is what I've got. I know there are more out there.


  1. wow, kim... >.<
    ian harding and thomas fiss... -.-

  2. ure so right x)
    but im sry....thomas fiss is not~
    haha i agree about bobby edner and ian harding tho ;]

  3. OMG only you would put something like this up hahahaha xD
    but i learned a lot tho because i didn't know that Ian Harding was in NCIS LA because i watched like every episode of it.
    i kind of agree with you tho because we really don't notice them most of the time :]
