Monday, October 11, 2010

Auschwitz Sign, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas and more.

Alright, so when I heard that we were reading Night, I instantly remembered when read the first few chapters and remembered this piece of new I heard the very same day:

The Auschwitz sign out side ("Work Sets You Free") had been stolen.

At first, I didn't really care about it, but as I learned more about the Holocaust, that was when I realized how important that sign was to our history, even if that history leaves bad visions inside our heads.

Also, I think it was the same year, I visited the United States Holocaust Memorial in Washington, DC and I admit it. I cried. From the first time I stepped into the elevator to the ghetto they made, until I stepped outside and took a moment to think about what just happened to me in there.

There was one thing that stood out to me in the memorial, there was this walkway, and lining the walkway were shoes. These shoes, belonged to those that died in the Holocaust. I remember I couldn't move and say to myself that I should go back to my group, but I just stood there looking at the shoes and reminded myself of the people that died for us. They died so that we would not have to suffer the way they did.

And that reminded me of The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas(which we should watch Mr. Sutherland). The ending scene of the movie, there were these two boys, and they were caught in a group of prisoners that were going to be killed in the gas chambers. Everyone thought that it was going to be a shower, but they were wrong. They were going to be killed by the gas Zyklon B. And those two boys were in there. One of the boys was the son of an SS officer, and the other was Jew in the camp, they were friends from across the electrical gate.

And to think, this was all from us reading Night.