Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 5: Your Dreams (and Day 6)

Hi dreams.

I really don'twant to talk about it, or I'll start going off on an Inception talk. Which is true.

Yeah. I have alot of dreams at ASTI so that means something.
Also, I learn that if you dream about a specific someone, then they were thinking about you that night. Coolio.

I found me totem. It's coin. (MINE)

I'll just venture off into Day 6.......

Day 6: A stranger

The only thing that can come up on my mind while typing this is "Breathing Underwater: Episode 12 'Love with a Stranger,'" which is also a song. Also, for some reason, this reminds me of Aragorn. Don't ask me why.

I wish stranger were the same one like Chad in the episode. He was cool. And he just talked out of nowhere to Marie. That was really sweet of him.

One thing I hated though, was him giving her the scarf when he could have just given her his trench coat. He was wearing a suit under that.

Anyways stranger, I hope we can meet one day. (Right Daniel?)

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