Friday, November 12, 2010

Avalon High and King Arthur

On Disney Channel (yes Disney channel) the new movie Avalon High is showing. (It ended) It was really good. And you could say that I learned new stuff about King Arthur that I would never have cared to learn.

After reading the book, I thought that it would be the same and that Marco would end up being Mordred, but the teacher guy! He was beasting! I would have never guessed he was the one that would turn his backs on everybody, even after Allie gave him the prophecy.

Not wanting to give any spoilers (so I gave one) what I enjoyed most was the costume design, the King Arthur history that I learned about him. I really do hope that an incarnation like the one that happened in the movie could possibly happen. It would be interesting to see that any one person that we know could quite possibly turn out to be King Arthur, Mordred, or even Merlin. Merlin is definitely my favorite character. Him and his reincarnation.

There was this one book series, Magic Tree House, that had two kids that would travel back and forth in time and connect with many events that happen. And then there were a few books that cut off from the series, but was still related that had the kids talk to Merlin and travel back in the time to Camelot. The kids would go on quests in order to find puzzles that would eventually help them rescue Merlin and their leader, who were, I think, captured by these evil people. I never got to read the last book of that series, but I have a feeling that Merlin and the leader got safe, because as in almost all books, there are good, if not happy, endings.

I have also read the Avalon High book, and it was different from the Disney Channel Movie. Where most of the characters were changed and the plot of the story was different too, but either way, the book or the movie, it was good.

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