Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 8: your favorite internet friend and Day 9 (thomas fizzle)

My favorite internet friend would either be Daniel (my buddy from New York) or Thomas Fiss (YEAH.)

Hi. I never talk to you that much, but hi. I met you through facebook, where you supposedly friend requested me because of the wall post I had on Thomas' wall about losing the guitar pick. Then we had long convos over chat about guitar and stuff. You sort of remind me of Xavier, but I'm not going into the description of that.

Thomas Fiss:
Dude, why did you have to leave Varsity Fanclub? VFC will never be the same again without you. T.C. is even dressing like you and I feel really sad everytime I see their new album cover because that should be you in the front and not T.C.

You and Drew were like best friends, even if they never did use any of your songs, which I know would have been awesome, you could have talked to him about instead of going solo. I mean, your EP's are good, but you sounded better with VFC.

My favorite songs from both your EP's are Romeo, Saturday Night Movie, Believe, and Over It.

I wanted your Super Deluxe, but it was expensive and my dad didn't want me to get it, so I got it off iTunes. I got the ones that you sold every week because I like the pictures that came with every song, which is what I presume to be the ones on the separate CD cases that come with the Super Deluxe.

My favorite thing about you though, when you were still with VFC is the Youtube videos that you guys made, they were the ones that got me hooked onto VFC in the first place, it was the Burnin' Up video that got me to admire Drew's talent of freestyling and your skills in playing guitar, even if you do play chords that I have never seen before in my life.

You're one of the main reasons why I pursued guitar in the first place, and though I probably will never get to meet you in real life (since you won't come to Nor Cal) that's the only thing I'm going to say.

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