Friday, November 5, 2010

Free Write: Zombie Apocalypse

Today was the Mehserle case.
That meant football ended early.
That also meant people had to call their parents early.
So that meant more people sitting outside of ASTI waiting for their parents.
The result of all that??

1.Talking About what we would do if there was a Zombie Apocalypse to happen right then and there.
2. Harry Potter

1. While sitting on the curb at ASTI(which we're not supposed to do) Yong Fou mentioned zombies and then we talked about zombies popping up out of nowhere.

What would I do? Well, I stole this from someone, but first, we would check to see if anyone had anything on them, the we would take anything from the office (those bouncy balls.) and climb on the roof. Then we would just sit there and figure out what to do for the rest of the day, maybe play some dodgeball?

I found out zombies have human strength look like us but are uglier, and they can pop up out of nowhere.

2.Harry Potter. This was mostly from the other two that were with me, and they were separating the senior class into what House they would go to in Hogwarts..... here's some of my friends on it:

Me: I would be the one that would be like "Not Slytherin...Not Slytherin....."
Annie: Is in Ravenclaw of course... she's in it.
Daniel: Hufflepuff. No doubt about it.
Marco: I don't really see him there. I see him at Durmstrang with Krum.
Andy Chu: Durmstrang... I just hope they don't tag that place up with the ASTI Mascot.

Anways, my whole point of this post was to just keep my mind off the riots that were going on in Oakland, and the sincerity that the staff at ASTI showed at school today. Even though I was there for only 6th period, the teachers wanted us to get home safely, and trust me, driving through Oakland was not safe. I have news and a house there to know that.

I love Oakland, well, truth is.. I liked it back in the day. BUT, I love Oakland, and the whole point of the riots is to show respect for Oscar Grant, but do we really have to do it by hurting the property of others? Do we have to hurt others? There are more peaceful ways to solve this problem, which is what officials hoped the riots would turn out to be. Peaceful.  Oakland was loud today, but it was quiet.

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