Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How The Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents 3

Honestly I didn't really enjoy the last part of the book. It was just bland with no climax, as my group had said. At first, I thought that the ending would have had a good kick to it, You know......how books are always supposed to end, sometimes with a cliffhanger, and sometimes with "Oh, I want to read this again and connect the pieces." How The Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents by Julia Alvarez though, ended with a HUGE cliffhanger, and I really did want to read the book again to see if I missed anything that would have helped me understand the ending of the book more.

What I've noticed about the book, however, is that Yolanda is not really the narrator of the book. The book was mostly based around Sofia. From Otto to Manuel to her old innocent self that got caught with the marijuana (btw.. a 7th grader at UPA got caught with marijuana. My peer education thing didn't work at all thank you very much 6th graders.). Yolanda was supposed to be the narrator of the story, but I didn't see much of that. There was also the part where I thought I would have found out about what was going on between Yolanda and her father, but for that I also did not get anything.

All in all, the book was enjoyable, but I just didn't really get the story. I saw why the author put the story the way it was, but I just didn't get it. Just like what Peanut said, the second part of the book was the "meat" and the other two parts of the book were exactly like the prologue and epilogue, which did not give me a real good understanding of the sisters and 'how they lost their accents."

Oh yeah... GUESS WHO'S SEEING HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 1 MIDNIGHT PREMIERE??? YEAH. ME.(i only have to convince my parents....which will be IMPOSSIBLE) they have no idea how important HP is to me.

I also got jacked my Sutherland. He stole my Speak book. Which was getting really good. Thanks a lot.

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