Friday, January 21, 2011

George Orwell

These days, power seems to provide the opportunity for people to let their true colors show. Once a person has power, they can either use it for good or bad.

So, in my opinion, yes, political power does corrupt the people who attain it. In Animal Farm by George Orwell, he has a quote that also happens to tie in to one of the seven commandments that the animals, pigs, have made up themselves:
"All animals are created equal." (43)
This, in the book, means that no animal on the farm can be the ultimate leader. Each animal has an equal amount of power to be used. That went awfully wrong. Soon, the pigs were in power, and everything went to them. They abused their power.

This reminds me of that one guy, Ferdinard Marcos. He had seemed like a good leader at first, but then became a dictator. Sure, he didn't kill people, but he definitely abused his power, he even killed his opponent who was running against him for the supposed 'presidency.' Okay, so he did kill a few people.

I still don't get why he was buried in Arlington Cemetery for a while.

If George Orwell were to read this post right now, I think he would agree with what I am saying, and I have absolutely no idea what I am saying. Orwell wrote this book to show the Communism that was happening in Russia, or so, that's what many people think. I believe that he wrote the book, not just to point our the Communism happening in Russia, but to sort of show what would happen, if the same events were to happen again.

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