Sunday, January 23, 2011


Over the past two years, I have met extremely wonderful people who don't eat meat. I also just found out that David, is a vegan. I was surprised to hear that.

I honestly considered becoming vegetarian for the past few years. I met people at my program, Eureka that are vegetarian and they explained to me why they made the change. My friend Patrina was eating this dish that I thought was chicken, and she told me that it was 'fake meat' and she liked it better than the real thing.

Then I came to ASTI, and met some of my really good friends, like Annie that is vegetarian.

Over the past few years, I have received so many vegetarian, I wouldn't say brochure, but something along that line, uhm magazines(?). And when I went to DC for Close Up and our group stumbled upon the gay parade, there was a whole tent filled with anything you wanted to know about being a vegetarian.

For me, being a Filipino and all, my family owns a pig farm. They treat them kindly, but still, they kill them. And they send us videos depicting it. When I first watched them, it was gruesome. But I still ate meat because there was no other choice.

Filipino foods, almost all of them have meat in them. The worst of them all, dinuguan. It's all pork, and it is cooked in pork blood.

I eat meat on a daily basis. Even though I know it's not good for my health, and I know what they do to those animals.

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