Sunday, January 30, 2011

Rebuttal To Amber Chan

A rebuttal to Amber Chan's Opening Statement:

Amber's claim was that child actors should be seen as role models to people their age. She includes a couple of examples, including David Henrie and Lindsay Lohan. She said that what they did was passable to many of the young audiences that look up to them (or in Lohan's case, used to).

Child actors should not be seen as role models to people their age. Sure, they make mistakes, but that doesn't make up for the fact that they did something bad that would be looked down upon fans of that person.

When David Henrie was caught drinking in Puerto Rico, many people argued that drinking in Puerto Rico is perfectly legal, and he was just having fun. It was legal alright, and I'm pretty sure he had fun. but many of his young fans, the parents of his young fans see David Henrie as another Disney Star living 'under the influence.' Schools now actually teach their students that the effects of alcohol is bad, so when they see their favorite stars getting drunk, they know it's bad and they could have thought about what they were doing before they actually did it.

Oh, the Lindsay Lohan mess. At first she was this amazing innocent child star that everyone loved, especially her performance in The Parent Trap. But then she started going crazy with DUI's and drug charges just rolling down her path.

Amber's view on the Lohan case:
"Younger audiences might think that driving under the influence, using drugs (like cocaine, which Lohan uses), or reckless driving is perfectly fine, because even if they do it and get arrested for it, they won't get into much trouble, since they may think that they won't need to serve the full sentence like Lohan did."
Well, it wouldn't be 'perfectly fine' for the younger audiences to drive recklessly and use drugs, because they will get in trouble, whether or not it's with the police or their parents. Yup, parents. Lindsay Lohan did not really get the support from her dad did she? If the younger audiences were to do what Lohan did, they would need to serve the full time, even if they're not a big star like Lohan.

Child actors should not be role models to people their age because when/if they mess up, they will be looked down at by many people.

1 comment:

  1. you basically just talked about what i said, then made your claim in ur last sentence, you didnt back it up in the rest of the post. >_<
