Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 3: Your Parents

Dear Mom and Dad,

Hello there. I don't relly have much to say to you. you guys are good parents, but I wish we could just bond instead of you having to worry about work and what not.

That's it.


P.S. I would love it if you could get me the Super Deluxe Thomas Fiss EP....

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 2: Your Crush

Dear Crush,

Hi. I know it's a little too early for me, but I just gotta write this.

Even though we have only just formally met on the last day of ASTI last year, I can see that our friendship has grown, even though our conversations only entirely exist upon the family program, I know that we had that those long talk at Starbucks about school, life, and many other things. I really hope that we can do that again, because I just want someone to talk to in tough times like these.

That's all I gotta say, but I do hope we can be really good friends in the future. Because I could really use a friend, and you fit the bill.

Some people would hate me when they find out who it is, there are specific people too, but hey, it's a free country. And you might still be getting over someone.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Qfwfq In-Class Essay

Thesis: Q is torn between two worlds, the world that he wants for hiself, and the world that the other characters see.

In The Aquatic Uncle, Q meets what he thinks to be the love of his life, but all that canges when she meets his Uncle. Q takes his fiancee Lll to a part of the lake where he describes his family, and that is when his Uncle N'ba N'ga shows up. Lll and the uncle instantly have a connection, where they view the world in the same way. That is the time when Q finds out that he is losing Lll to his uncle, whom he is ashamed of for being a fish.
"Had I lost her? Suspecting this, I hastened to woo her back, I took to performing all sorts of feats[...] I was proud of myself, but unfortunately whenever I did something brave, she wasn't there to see me," (80).
Q and Lll are similar, but the differences they share tell them apart form each other. Q wants to start a family with Lll right away, in a spot that they will inhabit as their own. But Lll is still trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life, and the Uncle lets her do that. With the uncle, she can branch out from her usual self, and with Q she's another person that she's not. This is how Q sees th two different worlds that he hs to deal with.

In The Dinosaurs, Q abandoned the rest of the dinosaurs and lived to be the only dinosaur left in that time period. Soon, he discovers a new species, The New Ones, that Q stays with. Even though they are unaware that Q is a dinosaur, they talk immensely about what the dinosaurs were, and the chance that they might still be with them. "I continued looking at the skeleton, the father. the brother, my counterpart, my self[...] everything we had been and were no longer, our majesty, our faults, our ruins," (109). In this story, how Q is separated in his two worlds are, hiding his true self from the New Ones, and also just starting over and living a new life.

Also in The Dinosaurs, Q has discovered how The New Ones were still in search of the dinosaurs. Q has his two worlds moment here when he wants to tell them he is a dinosaur, but doesn't want to tell them because of what they might think of him. "Now the stories of Dinosaurs became jokes, in which the terrible monsters played ridiculous roles." (107) This shows what might happen if Q had told them about him being a dinosaur.

Glee: Should Charice get a permanent role?

The only thing I've been hearing on my Filipino Channel is Charice being on Glee, and I get it. She's filipino, she's on Glee, and you have a right to say what you want. But for reals, it's getting annoying. I don't need to be constantly reminded of how she's Filipino. But she wasn't that good. Her cover of Listen was good though.

No, I can't sing like her, but I sure can say what I want. Same goes with Justin Bieber, even though I won't get as far as he can or sing like him, I can still dislike him if I want to, and that I do.

Okay, so this show called "Balitang America" (news in America) is asking whether or not Charice should be permanent. If you haven't seen yet she's a RECURRING role which means she won't be there all the time.

I mean, do I hear questions with John Stamos being permanent (which should happen cause he's John Stamos.) or Chord Overstreet (Sam) being permanent? No. So I don't see why Charice should have a permanent role when they don't.

If there is anyone that extremely deserves a permanent role it's Harry Shum Jr. Who plays Mike Chang. You know, the one that's with Tina now.

1.He can sing
2.He can dance
3.He's been there since Season 1, but still has a recurring role
4.He has a good acting background AND...
5. He has nice abs.

Day 1 :My Best Friend

Hi Marco.

You're not my best friend any more nowadays. But I'll just recall from last year.
We met at Burger King that one day. I was getting food because I had money,an then you walked in with Egypt. That was extremely awkward especially when I found out the story behind it. I sat a table with my meal (kids) and then you sat down and we said hi. Everything is blur after that but we started hanging out for a while.

Speaking of 'while' there was that period of time when we seriously spilled our secrets to each other, that including who we liked and who was a b*tch. There was also all those times we just ate out during lunch and like 3/4 of the time I paid for you, so you owe me. And whatever money you used to pay for my food is lower than your amount, so you still owe me.

And you owe Me, Chan, Kristine, and Kyle about $40 worth of Starbucks because of the history project we did. And you STILL HAVE THE PAINT AND MY CHARCOAL. I have nothing else to say about you , except for the fact that you still owe me money and Starbucks.

Now that I think about it, we haven't been spending time together at all, except for the Great America trip, you got Gomez, and I got *cough*.

Ooh. Great America Trip. We should all do that more often. Just hang out and stuff even though I wasn't with you guys half the time.

The one thing that stood out to me though, was you being pregnant with the pig. That was like old times whenever we would joke around xD

So, the whole point of this was to write about my best friend. Well, I can't describe you that much anymore, mainly because I don't want to. So if you guys want to know more, ask Gomez or Marco.

Flashbacks with Polo: "Black hair, brown eyes"
-That one time we ate at Weinersnitchzel(sp?)
-Me learning about the Egypt Story
-And thanks for being a good best friend.

Most of the time.

I got this from Cindy

This seems cool :D

  • Day 1 — Your Best Friend
  • Day 2 — Your Crush
  • Day 3 — Your parents
  • Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)
  • Day 5 — Your dreams
  • Day 6 — A stranger
  • Day 7 — Your favorite actor/tv personality
  • Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend
  • Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
  • Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
  • Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
  • Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
  • Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you
  • Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from
  • Day 15 — The person you miss the most
  • Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country
  • Day 17 — Someone from your childhood
  • Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be
  • Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
  • Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest
  • Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
  • Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to
  • Day 23 — The last person you kissed
  • Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
  • Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times
  • Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to
  • Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
  • Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
  • Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
  • Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror

Friday, September 24, 2010

Response to Tiffany and Amber G.

This is a quote from Tiffany:

I hate and HATE when people use this phrase. Love is so overuse, that I think "I like you" is more intense! My friends usually say "I love you Tiffany" everday, but since I think love is overused and overrated, I say "I admire/adore you."
I'm just wondering, before you hated the phrase did like it? Did you LOVE it? I agree that love is overused. There is always the "OMFG! I f*ckin love you" Which, I usually refer to as when someone does something that makes the other person feel like they achieved something (not having sex, just to point that out)

Also wondering, when "I like you" gets too overused after this, will "I love you" be in the same spot as "I like you is now"?

Dude (ette), I totally get what you're saying that I love you is overused, but I don't see how "I like you is more 'intense' to prove my point, here's a quote form Amber G.'s blog:
-There is of course the best-friend, girly type I love you
-There's the family I love you
-The appreciation I love you, "Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I love you!"
-There are so many more types but personally, my favorite is:
The I love you you say to the person you feel the strongest for on this entire planet.

I get most of the I love you's are overused and I can see where that would become frustrating, but I completely disagree that "I like you" is more intense. Seriously? I don't want to sound all gooey and make you roll your eyes at how disgusting this is, but I would much rather have Marco say I love you than I like you. It has to deal with connotation, with the feelings you get with either word.
 I really like that list you put there Gomez. It shows about all the ways we use "I love you" in everyday life. Also, I have to comment on the Marco mention. I would rather have Mike say I love you than I like you. And after he has read your post he has been texting me with 'I like you' in quotes to mock me. Thanks Tiffany.

Idk if this is a response, it's more of a brain dump so I hope that's cool.

Free Write: Responding to Quotes from FNL

For this post, I will show 3 of the best quotes from Friday Night Lights, and it's from this source.

"Every man at some point in his life is going to lose a battle. He is going to fight and he is going to lose. But what makes him a man is at the midst of that battle he does not lose himself. This game is not over, this battle is not over." -Coach Taylor
This quote meant a lot to me. For me, it meant that no matter what happens in our life, we will always face obstacles, challenges, and other things that will 'tackle' us along the way to the touchdown zone. What Coach Taylor is saying is that we are capable of overcoming whatever comes in our way.

"Stop saying that!!. My legs aren't ever gonna get better, ever. every night when I go to sleep, I dream I can walk again, and when I wake up, I gotta accept all over again, then you come and say that every thing is gonna be OK. that kills me Lyla. My life as we knew it, it's over, football, over, my scholarship at Notre Dame, over, you and me, are not get married." -Jason Street
 Jason Street is long gone from the show, but never forgotten. I believe that he is also one of the most influential characters on the show. He has gon from the star quarterback, to the paralyzed former football player that has to adapt to not using his legs, the most important thing you need in football.

Speaking of football and wheelchairs, from watching Glee this week, Artie would have made a good football player, if Finn did run fast enough to make Artie's wheelchair a cannon of some sort. That would be cool.

"In some situations, you need to ask yourself 'WWRD?', What Would Riggins Do?" -LANDRY!
 Tim Riggins, the only word to describe him would be the bad boy of the series, almost every show has one. For Glee, it's Puck. For Pretty Little Liars, it was Officer Darren. In Secret Life, it's Ricky. For almost all of these shows, the bad boys always have a good side except for Officer Darren, and let's face it. He was a douchebag.

Jason Street and Tim Riggins are the best of friends. Thy were on the football team, and Riggins never stopped helping and supporting Street during the worst time of his life. Even though I am pretty sure Street was aware that Tim would steal his girfriend, they were still friends.

I am definitely anticipating the 5th season of FNL where Jason Street will come back!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Vocab Words

These are the words that I chose from that long list:

Friday, September 17, 2010

Response to Karissa

I got this quote form Karissa's blog, and it really stuck out to me:

  So, I was thinking and i realized that out of pretty much all of the actors and actresses that started on Disney Channel there are very few of them that actually have a good, continuing acting career. When I was little I used to love watching Lizzie McGuire, That's So Raven and Lindsay Lohan movies. I remember when Hilary Duff was like the Miley Cyrus today. However, now we barely hear anything about her or Raven Simone and the only reason that Lindsay Lohan is still talked about is because she's a mess and is on all kinds of drugs.
 This really stuck out to me because I remember when I was a little girl, I was an avid fan of Lizzie McGuire and That's So Raven. And it's true. We do not hear about any of theses wonderful people anymore. Right now, Hilary Duff is going to get married and Raven Simone just recently starred in a movie called Bride Wars that was on ABC Family, a sister company of Disney.

What's happening, according to me, to all of the new untamed Disney stars are that their main target, the pre-teens, or tweens, are losing interest in school life, little animated versions of ourselves, poeple that are psychic, and the burn book. The thing that the tweens look to now are the dudes in them. Even though it is not related to Disney at all, Twilight has the guys that everyone (except me) drool over. Back then, sure we liked how the kids on Degrassi looked, but we were more intersted in what the show's main focus was on.

I bet you that most of us that have watched any of the Lindsay Lohan movies in the past always wonder what has happened to her. Was it something at had to do with any of the movies tha she portrayed in, or was it just herself.

I think that her most outstanding performance was in The Parent Trap. She was just a young, sweet, inocent girl, not. Then we saw her progress into more mature roles as she grew up like Mean Girls. And then the whole drug incident and ankle bracelet.

I guess Disney and us too are just growing up too fast to notice that we miss the classics. I personally miss Phil of the Future. That's all for now. I'm Kim, and this is Disney 411 (remember that?)

Free Write: What happened to our teen movies?

Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, High School Musical, Camp Rock. These are just a few of many teen movies that are shown in our generation, and the ones that were shown yester-year. These are the movies that grasp the teenage population by a finger. The film industry makes millions by showing these movies, and that’s only because of pre-pubescent boys that will never live up to the names of Clint Eastwood or Harrison Ford.

           Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, Make it or Break It, Huge, The Secret Life of the American Teenager,Glee. Now these, these are just a few of the TV Shows that are in our generation.
          Now, one thing that they all have in common is one thing: Grasping the teenage population with their finger. With these movies and TV shows that are broadcast to us, I start to wonder whether or not the people that watch them ever get tired of seeing the same people on their screens. I mean, back in the day, the ‘heartthrobs’ had distinct features that made them who they are. Now, all the males have the same attractive eyes, most of them the same skin tone, and all of them with that mop of hair.
         This not only applies to males, but females as well. What with almost all of their same skin tone, same long wavy hair, and who knows what else. There are dozens of unknown actors in the film industry that work their asses off, but get no recognition. For example, Scott Porter. From people that know me, I fully support him in every project he does. He was on Friday Night Lights, Speed Racer, and Bandslam. He sang a song with Hugh Grant and was in a boyband the Altar boyz. He is one of the main contenders for the role of the upcoming movies Flash and The Man of Steel (Superman). And just for some randomness: He kicks himself everyday for not auditioning for Glee. He’s an amazing singer, and I think him and Cory Monteith would have gone head-to-head.

        The question here is, what happened to the teen movies? There’s no more swearing and almost half of them have to do with vampires. Also around this time are remakes. There are just new remakes popping up out of nowhere. For example, Fame (1980) and Fame (2009). The first one was just AMAZING. The second one was, bleh. Even though I obsessed over it. The thing that caught my eye though was that the first movie of Fame used the f-word 39 times and the second one... 0. That right there can already tell a lot about what has happened to the movies these days. But what is it?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Singers we have forgotten?

This is something I want to try. Everyday I add a new singer.

1.Teddy Geiger.
"For You I Will" -
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
and cannon ball into the water
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will

"These Walls" 
Cause everybody tries to put some love on the line
And everybody feels a broken heart sometimes
And even when I'm scared I have to try to fly
Sometimes I fall
But I've seen it done before
I gotta step outside these walls

The most recent thing I have seen from him is a Youtube video of going on a road trip. He sang a song!

"Jumping salmon... Tape it to the wall."

Who should play Flash?

            I have absolutely no idea whether or not the rumors just about the upcoming Flash movie is true. I just read that the director for Flash, Right now, Warner Brothers is filming Captain America starring Chris Evans (He played the Torch in Fantastic 4).
            I have read some of the Flash comics, and I love that series. Here are my choices for who should play the Flash in-hopefully- the movie. (Not in any kind of order):

1.Ryan Gosling
      -We all know him from The Notebook. 
      -He has an awesome acting background. And got nominated for an Oscar for his work in Half Nelson.

2.Chris Pine
     -Startrek as Captain James T. Kirk.
     - I honestly loved all of the movies he has acted on. That including Just My Luck with Lindsay Lohan and The Princess Diaries 2 with Anne Hathaway.

3.Jake Gyllenhaal
    -Recently starred in Prince of Persia.
    -After reading a few ariticles on why he should play Flash, the only thing I got out was that because he put on muscles for Prince of Persia, he would make a good Flash.

4.Scott Porter
   -He is an amazing actor that really deserves a big break. That's why out of all the choices shown so far, and the ones that are going to be shown, he is my choice for Flash.
   -He played Jason Street on Friday Night Lights, a character that became paralyzed after a football incident. His acting after that was just fantastic.
   -He played the first Rex Racer in Speed Racer. And just recently starred in Bandslam with Vanessa Hudgens and Aly Michalka.

*SPOILER ALERT*: As Friday Night Light's Season 4 is continuing, I just learned that Jason Street come back (!!!) in the 5th season when Friday Night Lights will end. D:

5.Josh Duhamel
   -He starred in Transformers alongside Shia LaBeouf.
   -His acting background consits of several movies.
I just think he would make a good Flash because of his acting background, and if he worked at it, his body would look good in the suit.

So far, these are my choices for Flash. Here are also some quick ones that I think would make a good Flash, but I just can't see them in the movie.

-Zachary Levi (We know him from Chuck)
-Chris Evans (He's already been cast as Captain America, but I put him here because he would make a good Flash)
-Bradley Cooper (He's kind of old, but that does not mean he cannot play him.)
-Tom Welling (I honestly think he would be better off as Superman, but hey, he was on Cheaper by The Dozen)

I hope this counts as one of the weekly blog-posts we are supposed to.
Also, look out for the next post. "Who should play Superman in the upcoming movie Man of Steel that will be shown on the day we are all supposed to die in 2012??"

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Favorite Highway

So today, one of my most FAVORITE bands in the whole entire world are 'breaking up' :
My Favorite Highway.

They are wonderful. And they're songs are very uplifting to a depressing soul (like mine's)

They're most popular songs:
Say So (the acoustic version is great)
Bittersweet Life (or also known as How to Call a Bluff)

I will truly miss them, and if they weren't sold out, I would stock up on their merchandise that is on sale.
RIP My Favorite Highway

The Season Finale of Huge

No cliffhanger. I think.

I'm just going to model this after Fatshonista's version of the finale.

In no way did this compare to the Pretty Little Liars summer finale. I thought it was kind of worse.
My highlights:

-When Amber's mom calls George 'cute' to Amber's dismay.
-When Carter's younger sister tries and flirt with George and asks if he's seeing anybody. *cough*

-When Ian and Amber kiss, to Will's dismay.
-Salty dad is leaving! :( "No seconds"

That's it. Not very impressed.