Friday, September 24, 2010

Response to Tiffany and Amber G.

This is a quote from Tiffany:

I hate and HATE when people use this phrase. Love is so overuse, that I think "I like you" is more intense! My friends usually say "I love you Tiffany" everday, but since I think love is overused and overrated, I say "I admire/adore you."
I'm just wondering, before you hated the phrase did like it? Did you LOVE it? I agree that love is overused. There is always the "OMFG! I f*ckin love you" Which, I usually refer to as when someone does something that makes the other person feel like they achieved something (not having sex, just to point that out)

Also wondering, when "I like you" gets too overused after this, will "I love you" be in the same spot as "I like you is now"?

Dude (ette), I totally get what you're saying that I love you is overused, but I don't see how "I like you is more 'intense' to prove my point, here's a quote form Amber G.'s blog:
-There is of course the best-friend, girly type I love you
-There's the family I love you
-The appreciation I love you, "Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I love you!"
-There are so many more types but personally, my favorite is:
The I love you you say to the person you feel the strongest for on this entire planet.

I get most of the I love you's are overused and I can see where that would become frustrating, but I completely disagree that "I like you" is more intense. Seriously? I don't want to sound all gooey and make you roll your eyes at how disgusting this is, but I would much rather have Marco say I love you than I like you. It has to deal with connotation, with the feelings you get with either word.
 I really like that list you put there Gomez. It shows about all the ways we use "I love you" in everyday life. Also, I have to comment on the Marco mention. I would rather have Mike say I love you than I like you. And after he has read your post he has been texting me with 'I like you' in quotes to mock me. Thanks Tiffany.

Idk if this is a response, it's more of a brain dump so I hope that's cool.

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