Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 2: Your Crush

Dear Crush,

Hi. I know it's a little too early for me, but I just gotta write this.

Even though we have only just formally met on the last day of ASTI last year, I can see that our friendship has grown, even though our conversations only entirely exist upon the family program, I know that we had that those long talk at Starbucks about school, life, and many other things. I really hope that we can do that again, because I just want someone to talk to in tough times like these.

That's all I gotta say, but I do hope we can be really good friends in the future. Because I could really use a friend, and you fit the bill.

Some people would hate me when they find out who it is, there are specific people too, but hey, it's a free country. And you might still be getting over someone.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. loll. xD i just HAD to read this, gramma >.<
