Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Glee: Should Charice get a permanent role?

The only thing I've been hearing on my Filipino Channel is Charice being on Glee, and I get it. She's filipino, she's on Glee, and you have a right to say what you want. But for reals, it's getting annoying. I don't need to be constantly reminded of how she's Filipino. But she wasn't that good. Her cover of Listen was good though.

No, I can't sing like her, but I sure can say what I want. Same goes with Justin Bieber, even though I won't get as far as he can or sing like him, I can still dislike him if I want to, and that I do.

Okay, so this show called "Balitang America" (news in America) is asking whether or not Charice should be permanent. If you haven't seen yet she's a RECURRING role which means she won't be there all the time.

I mean, do I hear questions with John Stamos being permanent (which should happen cause he's John Stamos.) or Chord Overstreet (Sam) being permanent? No. So I don't see why Charice should have a permanent role when they don't.

If there is anyone that extremely deserves a permanent role it's Harry Shum Jr. Who plays Mike Chang. You know, the one that's with Tina now.

1.He can sing
2.He can dance
3.He's been there since Season 1, but still has a recurring role
4.He has a good acting background AND...
5. He has nice abs.

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