Friday, September 17, 2010

Free Write: What happened to our teen movies?

Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, High School Musical, Camp Rock. These are just a few of many teen movies that are shown in our generation, and the ones that were shown yester-year. These are the movies that grasp the teenage population by a finger. The film industry makes millions by showing these movies, and that’s only because of pre-pubescent boys that will never live up to the names of Clint Eastwood or Harrison Ford.

           Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, Make it or Break It, Huge, The Secret Life of the American Teenager,Glee. Now these, these are just a few of the TV Shows that are in our generation.
          Now, one thing that they all have in common is one thing: Grasping the teenage population with their finger. With these movies and TV shows that are broadcast to us, I start to wonder whether or not the people that watch them ever get tired of seeing the same people on their screens. I mean, back in the day, the ‘heartthrobs’ had distinct features that made them who they are. Now, all the males have the same attractive eyes, most of them the same skin tone, and all of them with that mop of hair.
         This not only applies to males, but females as well. What with almost all of their same skin tone, same long wavy hair, and who knows what else. There are dozens of unknown actors in the film industry that work their asses off, but get no recognition. For example, Scott Porter. From people that know me, I fully support him in every project he does. He was on Friday Night Lights, Speed Racer, and Bandslam. He sang a song with Hugh Grant and was in a boyband the Altar boyz. He is one of the main contenders for the role of the upcoming movies Flash and The Man of Steel (Superman). And just for some randomness: He kicks himself everyday for not auditioning for Glee. He’s an amazing singer, and I think him and Cory Monteith would have gone head-to-head.

        The question here is, what happened to the teen movies? There’s no more swearing and almost half of them have to do with vampires. Also around this time are remakes. There are just new remakes popping up out of nowhere. For example, Fame (1980) and Fame (2009). The first one was just AMAZING. The second one was, bleh. Even though I obsessed over it. The thing that caught my eye though was that the first movie of Fame used the f-word 39 times and the second one... 0. That right there can already tell a lot about what has happened to the movies these days. But what is it?


  1. btw. i blogged about this blog post.

  2. you already know i responded.
    anyways... here's the link x]
    and im getting this on my ipod. thanks for using the cas email -.-
