Monday, September 13, 2010

Who should play Flash?

            I have absolutely no idea whether or not the rumors just about the upcoming Flash movie is true. I just read that the director for Flash, Right now, Warner Brothers is filming Captain America starring Chris Evans (He played the Torch in Fantastic 4).
            I have read some of the Flash comics, and I love that series. Here are my choices for who should play the Flash in-hopefully- the movie. (Not in any kind of order):

1.Ryan Gosling
      -We all know him from The Notebook. 
      -He has an awesome acting background. And got nominated for an Oscar for his work in Half Nelson.

2.Chris Pine
     -Startrek as Captain James T. Kirk.
     - I honestly loved all of the movies he has acted on. That including Just My Luck with Lindsay Lohan and The Princess Diaries 2 with Anne Hathaway.

3.Jake Gyllenhaal
    -Recently starred in Prince of Persia.
    -After reading a few ariticles on why he should play Flash, the only thing I got out was that because he put on muscles for Prince of Persia, he would make a good Flash.

4.Scott Porter
   -He is an amazing actor that really deserves a big break. That's why out of all the choices shown so far, and the ones that are going to be shown, he is my choice for Flash.
   -He played Jason Street on Friday Night Lights, a character that became paralyzed after a football incident. His acting after that was just fantastic.
   -He played the first Rex Racer in Speed Racer. And just recently starred in Bandslam with Vanessa Hudgens and Aly Michalka.

*SPOILER ALERT*: As Friday Night Light's Season 4 is continuing, I just learned that Jason Street come back (!!!) in the 5th season when Friday Night Lights will end. D:

5.Josh Duhamel
   -He starred in Transformers alongside Shia LaBeouf.
   -His acting background consits of several movies.
I just think he would make a good Flash because of his acting background, and if he worked at it, his body would look good in the suit.

So far, these are my choices for Flash. Here are also some quick ones that I think would make a good Flash, but I just can't see them in the movie.

-Zachary Levi (We know him from Chuck)
-Chris Evans (He's already been cast as Captain America, but I put him here because he would make a good Flash)
-Bradley Cooper (He's kind of old, but that does not mean he cannot play him.)
-Tom Welling (I honestly think he would be better off as Superman, but hey, he was on Cheaper by The Dozen)

I hope this counts as one of the weekly blog-posts we are supposed to.
Also, look out for the next post. "Who should play Superman in the upcoming movie Man of Steel that will be shown on the day we are all supposed to die in 2012??"

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